Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Yeah; I Got Preganat Just to Get Your Child Support....

Yes. I Got Preganant Just to Get Child Support From You...

Why do men think once you break up/get divorced that A. The only reason women wanted kids was to rake him over the coals for Child Support?  and B.  Why do most men go to all costs to try to get out of it? 

I mean... I just wanted to SCREAM for the past 18 years at my daughter's daddy (we were never married as we got pregnant right out of highschool).... that first of all I didn't get pregnant on purpose.  Why would I?  It was embarrassing for an 18 year old... it was hard on my body which has never been the same since... I put my dreams of college on hold which I still have yet to complete... I, in essense gave up my life so that I could give my little girl anything and everything I could by working at crappy dead end jobs for my entire adult life.  It was not about me anymore... she has been my first thought in everything I did since the day she was born.

And also that birth control was not just my responsibility and in sharing a sexual experience with me alone made him equally responsible in getting preganant.  (Most women do not get preganant on purpose although there may be an exception to that rule from time to time). 

Once last thing.... did he really think that $400 a month was soooooooo much money?  I mean doesn't he have a CLUE how much raising a child costs?  Yeah.  I got pregant on purpose, ending my social life (although her birth barely phased his), just so that I could get a measley $400 a month out of him.  Cuz how else would I be able to afford getting my hair done,  buying tons of clothes and shoes for myself, maybe throw in a little tanning, botox, vacations and heck even support my partying habits.  Jeez.

The preceeding attitude being thrown in my face continuously for 18 years... never once, mind you feeling guilty for the extent he would go to to hide his income from the governement...take voluntary lay off to get out of paying child support while working under the table doing other things. 

Although child support has stopped, being a mother obviously hasn't.  Except now he's off the hook... but I'm not... how can I be?  Now that she is in college and stuggling to make ends meet, I give her any extra money I have because I want more for her than I had.  She is good girl.  She deserves more.  But her father tells her "I paid over $80,000 to your mom in the past 18 years; she should have been putting some of that away for college."  REALLY? 

I know I'm not the only person to be going thru this and on the flip side I have seen dad's with custody where child support doesn't seem to be as strict for the mother as in the opposite situation.  But that would be a whole nother blog I guess....

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